Children & Youth
We are raising adventurers. We are growing potential. A fun filled, energetic children and youth work where everyone is accepted, we all belong and we grow in confidence together. Games played and lessons learnt.
LIFE.CENTRE. Thurs and Sun.
Beams / Oaks & Acorns
Beams - Our tiniest adventurers. A bubbling babies & toddlers this group is currently parent led due to a lack of volunteers. Please arrive before to sign in your child in. Team will be in a yellow t-shirt.
Sunday Mornings 10:30-11:15.
Oaks & Acorns - Parents you’re welcome to join in this one. Our midweek parent and toddler group. Toys. Snacks. Fun.
Currently not running..
Spirit filled pre-schoolers! One third of our Sunday Children’s Church groups, packed full of our own worship, Bible teaching, curious crafts, fun and games.
LIFE.CENTRE Sun. 10:30am Service starts at 10. Please arrive before to sign in your child in. Team will be in a yellow t-shirt.
5 Alive
An all accepting, joy filled group for our middlers, Yrs R to 2. Our weekly groups are squished full of games and squashed together with stories, parties and craft. We also manage to squeeeeeeze in enough time for a sweet shop! 5 Alive is also part of our Sunday Children’s Church. Jesus journeyers.
LIFE.CENTRE Thurs. 6.00-7:15pm Every week. Cost £2. Invoiced at end of term.
LIFE.CENTRE Sun. 10:30am Service starts at 10. Please arrive before to register/sign in your child in. Team will be in a yellow t-shirt.
7 Up
Top of the Children’s mountain! A group for our Yr3 to 5’s to belong to. Thursdays are rammed full of craft, games, tuck shopping, parties and overflowing with all your favourite (and often innately annoying!) tunes. 7Up is also on every Amazing Sunday as part of Children’s Church. Join us in our travels alongside the Bible’s Jesus LIFE.CENTRE Thurs. 6.00-7:15pm Every week. Cost £2. Invoiced at end of term.
LIFE.CENTRE Sun. 10:30am Service starts at 10. Please arrive before to register/sign in your child in. Team will be in a yellow t-shirt.
Nearly a teen! Toast is an energetic, busy and lively Friday group with time to chill, bottomless tuck, leader vs leader challenges, voyages out and an abundance of games. Hey wanderers, join the mayhem! Toast is also part of our Amazing Sundays. Embark on the greatest adventure, change your life and challenge yourself. Yrs 6-8.
LIFE.CENTRE Thurs. 7:00-8.30pm -Every week. Cost £2. Invoiced at the end of term.
LIFE.CENTRE Sun. 10:30am. Service starts at 10am joins us to worship together. Please arrive before to register/sign in your child.
Want to have a safe space to hang out with friends – explore questions of life and laugh a lot? This group is all about discovering who you were made to be, expressing that in a vibrant and changing community! Yrs 9-13.
LIFE.CENTRE Thurs. 7.30-9pm. Every week. Cost £2. Invoiced at the end of term.
Youth Lifegroups
Join the squad!
Our youth life groups are the place to be! Pray, chat, worship, snack, discuss, reflect, laugh ... and belong. You are the next generation. #LLWFJ
Summer Holiday Club
Are you ready? An abundance of fun, mess, games, lessons, craft, dance parties and parent relief! Let your voyagers travel with us from the ice caves, the bottom of the oceans, across the jungle and into space. Be quick! Places go quick as a flash!
Schools Work
Partnering with PACE we work in schools locally to deliver lessons, assemblies, lunch clubs and Alpha courses.