Community Groups

Our extended family! Larger groups that meet together over a common interest, particular vision or a good slice of cake. Together we go through life, love each other, build relationship and embrace the place we live. A community to reach communities.



Hit those harmonies! ... VOICE is a community choir that is open to everyone. Wednesdays at 7pm in the Chine. No age limit. No auditions. Cost: £5 to include refreshments. Join us for a fun, relaxed time singing.

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Thrill seeking Seniors!

With a five week programme of lunch and entertainment, God talks with afternoon tea, illustrated talks, a short worship service and a termly trip out, SAGES is a great place for company, friendship and adventures. LIFE.CENTRE. Mon. 2pm.

They also have a weekly lunch club too! 1-2pm Mondays and costs £5. Pre-booking is essential. Please email to book.