The amazing thing is that Jesus calls us to be his disciples and to "go make disciples" with him! We reckon that God's word on discipleship is all about #LivingLifeWellForJesus:
Pursuing Intimacy with an Amazing God and enjoying Him
Actively involved in being family, committed to spiritual parenting and generous with my resources for Jesus
Creatively engaging community and influencing the world with the good news of the kingdom in the power of the Holy Spirit
Discipleship is a journey, not a destination. In fact it's a lifetime of Living Life Well For Jesus.
Here's a little map to get us thinking:
Pastoral Care
Is life tough? It can be…
As a family we want to look out for one another. Our pastoral care team will seek to connect you to the right care and support that match your needs.
Prayed Out
He's listening – let's pray!
Jesus showed us and we are trying. There is a wave of prayer this year at BCC and endless opportunities to do just that. With regular weekly prayer meetings.